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when girls get periods ?? | for teen

when girls get their periods ??

most of the girls get their first period when they are around 13 . but getting it any time between the age of 10 to 15 its ok . every girl have their own body schedule so, its depends on the girls .

most of the time girls get their periods after the development of their breast . it depends on their hormones. there is nothing to worried about if you  yet not get  your periods  in age of 15 or more . its totally depends on the hormones' of the body . some girls may get early some not. 

why it happens ??

a periods happens because of changes in hormones in the body . some girls may shocked when it get started at the first time but , chill its nothing , its just a symbol that tells you that you are growing . instead of getting shock or fear you may feel happy by thinking that the hormones of your body is all right and you are now mature . 

now talking about the days , how many days it may continue ?? 

so its around 5 to 6 days not more . starting from the first day the blood release till the 5th or 6th day . in between that days you may feel irritated or weak . during that days you need to take a rest and some juice ; like orange juice , make juice or many more which help you to make happy and healthy that days . you must know about is that it comes every moth regularly for 5 to 6 days . it may be shorter or last longer .

now questions arises what should I use during the periods ??

you need to prefer the sanatory pads which are available in the market at large amount . this pads are made of cottons and comes in lots of different size shapes . tell to you your mom or dad to get that pads and use it during periods . some examples of the pads are whisper , sofy , Stayfree and many more you may also prefer the menstrual cup . it will help you to stay relax at any time .

if you are at school , and might it be happens, that periods starts there , you did not want to  worried about it or to shy about it . it is just a part of our body with every girls . you simply tells to your teacher or elder sister and ask for the pad . they will help you definitely . simply go to the toilet and stick your pad . ohhh wow its very easy right . !!!! now , be happy with your friends as your were before .

be happy that you are mature girl . don't be shy or fear about it ,live happily with your growing age .

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